Username user can be followed by @ and the IP or the hostname from which the user is allowed to log in. Example:
To drop a user: DROP USER user
control of what users can do in the database what they can see, create, modify, delete etc
Exercise 1
What privileges are needed to be able to execute the following query?
UPDATE (graduated) ON student
SELECT(id) on student
SELECT(student_id, course_id, grade) on record
SELECT (id, credit) on course
Exercise 2
DELETE on project
SELECT (project_id) on employee_project
SELECT (id) on project
→ 1, 2, 6
View Privileges
What if we want to control the access to certain rows? We can use updatable views.
Privileges for views are exactly the same as for tables
Example : Each department manager can see, add, modify and delete only his/her own employees.
For the planning department: Grand SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE on employees_planning
Granting privileges in SQL
User who created a table is its owner and can grant privileges to other users:
WITH GRANT OPTION : user can also grant the privileges to other users
It is possible to grant all privileges using
Revoking privileges in SQL
CASCADE : revoke the previously granted privilege from user and from all users which were granted the privilege by a chain of grants started by the user
RESTICT (default) : do nothing if user granted the privilege to other users
Quiz 1
Answer : 4
Quiz 2
Answer : WITH GRANT OPTION : 해당 priviledge를 받은 것이 다른 사람에게 previledge를 제공할 수 있는 것이다.
→ 컨셉은 previledge를 준 것만 뺏을 수 있다 따라서 bob은 뻇을 수 없다. 따라서 정답은 2번
SQL injection
How to prevent SQL injection in your applicaitons?
If you use SQL directly : Always use prepared statements
Consider using ORM (object-relational mapping)
Disallow multiple statements in your applications
Use LIMIT to prevent larger disclosures
When we did the SQL injection to get the users in the MySQL database, one of the rows was
Passwords must never be stored in plain text but as “hashed”
Password hash is calculated using one-way hash function. To check if the password is correct : calculate hash and compare it to the stored hash.
However, it is possible to apply Brute-force attack (i.e. using pre-calculated result of hash function)