Computer Science/Machine learning

2. Review on Probability Theory

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Probability Space
Definition of Probability space

A probability space is defined by triplet (Ω,F,P):(\Omega, \mathcal F, \mathcal P):

Ω\Omega : Sample space

F\mathcal F : σ\sigma-algebra on Ω\Omega

P\mathcal P : F[0,1]\mathcal F \rarr [0, 1]

  • Definition of Sample space

    Set of all possible outcomes, where an outcome is the result of a single execution of the model

  • Definition of Event

    Subset of Sample space(Ω\Omega)

  • Definition of Field

    A collection F\mathcal F of subset of Ω\Omega forms a field if following 3 conditions hold.

    (It is equivalent to F\mathcal F is a collection of events on Ω\Omega)

    1. F,ΩF\emptyset \in \mathcal F, \Omega \in \mathcal F
    1. If AF, then AcF\text{If }A \in \mathcal F, \text{ then } A^c \in F 
    1. If A,BF, then ABF and ABF\text{If }A, B \in \mathcal F, \text{ then } A \cup B \in \mathcal F \text{ and } A \cap B \in \mathcal F (closed under finite union and intersection)
  • Definition of σ\sigma-field

    A collection F\mathcal F of subset of Ω\Omega forms a σ\sigma-field if following 3 conditions hold.

    (Almost same as the definition of Field except the 3rd condition)

    1. F,ΩF\emptyset \in \mathcal F, \Omega \in \mathcal F
    1. If AF, then AcF\text{If }A \in \mathcal F, \text{ then } A^c \in F 
    1. If AiF(iI), then i=1AiF and i=1AiF\text{If }A_i \in \mathcal F(i \in I ), \text{ then } \cup_{i = 1}^\infty A_i\in \mathcal F \text{ and } \cap_{i = 1}^\infty A_i \in \mathcal F (closed under countable union and intersection)
Why we need to define σ\sigma-field

It requires to formally define the probability.

What is probability measure?

We say P\mathcal P (F[0,1]\mathcal F \rarr [0,1])is a probability measure if satisfy 3 conditions.

  1. P()=0\mathcal P(\emptyset) = 0
  1. P(Ω)=1\mathcal P(\Omega) = 1
  1. AF,P(A)0\forall A\in \mathcal F, \mathcal P(A) \ge 0

Properties of probability

P(A,B):=P(AB)P(A, B) := P(A \cap B)

P(A),P(B)P(A), P(B)

P(AB)=P(A)P(B)P(A\cap B)= P(A)P(B)

P(AB):=P(AB)P(B)] if P(B)0P(A|B) := \frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(B)} ] \text{ if } P(B) \ne 0

→ If A, and B are independent, P(AB)=P(A)P(A|B) = P(A)

P(A)=i=1nP(ABi)=i=1nP(ABi)P(Bi)P(A) = \sum_{i = 1}^n P(A\cap B_i) = \sum_{i = 1}^nP(A|B_i)P(B_i)

  • {Bi}iI\{B_i\}_{i \in I} is a partition of Ω\Omega
Marginalizing out unwanted data is a basic operation to process raw data

For all countable collection {Ai}iI\{A_i\}_{i \in I} of pairwise discoint events

P(iIAi)=iIP(Ai)P(\cup_{i \in I}A_i) = \sum_{i\in I}P(A_i)
P(AB):=P(BA)P(B)P(B)P(A|B) := \frac{P(B|A)P(B)}{P(B)}

→ In ML, model typicall explains P(x|y)P(y) rather than P(y|x)

→ 정리할 것

First, we need to distinguish between the support of a random variable and the support of its distribution

The support of a random variable X is the set of all possible values that XX can take on with non-zero probability.

  • When X is a discrete r.v

    The support is the set of all possible values of XX

  • When X is a continuous r.v with probability density function f(x)

    The support is the set of all values of x for which f(x) is non-zero

The support of a probability distribution is the set of all values of the random variable for which the probability density function is non-zero.

  • When f(x) is discrete probability distribution

    The support is the set of all values for which the probability mass function is non-zero

  • When f(x) is continuous probability distribution

    The support is the set of all values of x for which f(x) is non-zero.

The support of a probability distribution can be different from the support of the random variable generated by that distribution.

For example, if X is generated by a uniform distribution over the interval (-1, 1), then its probability density function f(x) is:

f(x)=1/2 (1<x<1)f(x)=0 (otherwise)f(x) = 1/2 \text{ (}-1<x<1) \\ f(x) = 0 \text{ (otherwise)}

In this case, f(x) has an infinite support, since it is non-zero over the interval (-1, 1) and zero elsewhere. However, X has a finite support, since it can only take on values in the interval (-1, 1). So in this case, the statement "X has a finite support" is true, even though f(x) has an infinite support.

Continuous Probability

→ a probability of a single point is always zero

→ the probabilities are measured over intervals

Bernoulli Distribution

Bernoulli distribution with parameter p[0,1]p \in [0,1]

Binomial Distribution

A binomial random variable can be interpreted as the sum of n independent Bernoulli random variables.

E[X]=npVar[X]=np(1p)E[X] = np \\ Var[X] = np(1-p)

Beta Distribution

Beta distribution with parameters α,β>0\alpha, \beta > 0

P(X=x)=xα1(1x)n1P(X=x) = x^{\alpha - 1}(1-x)^{n - 1}

Beta distribution is often used to model parameter p of bernoulli distribution

Beta distribution
In probability theory and statistics, the beta distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions defined on the interval [0, 1] in terms of two positive parameters, denoted by alpha (α) and beta (β), that appear as exponents of the variable and its complement to 1, respectively, and control the shape of the distribution.

저번 학기 확률통계 한번 더 읽어볼 것

n → \infty로 갈 때

Multivariate Gaussian PDF

Multivariate normal distribution
In probability theory and statistics, the multivariate normal distribution, multivariate Gaussian distribution, or joint normal distribution is a generalization of the one-dimensional (univariate) normal distribution to higher dimensions. One definition is that a random vector is said to be k-variate normally distributed if every linear combination of its k components has a univariate normal distribution. Its importance derives mainly from the multivariate central limit theorem. The multivariate normal distribution is often used to describe, at least approximately, any set of (possibly) correlated real-valued random variables each of which clusters around a mean value.

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